

中英對照,看漫畫還可學英文,哈~~先寫到PART III。

How to use it ~~~(I)
- The human whose name is written in this not shall die.
- 名字被寫在筆記本裡的人會死掉。

- This note will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when writing his/her name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected.
- 自己腦中必須要記得對方的長相,否則即使寫上名字也不會有效果,因此,所有同名同姓的人並不會一次全部死光光。

- If the cause of death is written within 40 seconds of writing the person's name, it will happen.
- 寫完名字之後,在人間界時間單位40秒之內,繼續寫上死因的話,該人就會死於這個原因。

- If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die of a heart attack.
- 沒有寫上死因的人,將一律死於心臟麻痺。

- After writing the cause of death, details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds.
- 寫完死因之後,有六分四十秒的時間,可以記述更詳細的死亡過程。

How to use it ~~~(II)
-This note shall become the property of the human world, once it touches the ground of (arrives in) the human world.
- 這本筆記本從它掉落人間界地面的那一刻起,他就是人間界的東西。

- The owner of the note can recognize the image and voice of its original owner, i.e. a god of death.
- 筆記本所有者能夠察覺前任持有主,死神的姿態及聲音。

- The human who uses this note can neither go to Heave nor Hell.
- 使用過這本筆記本的人,不會上天堂也不會下地獄。

How to use it ~~~(III)
- If the time of death is written within 40 seconds after writing the cause of death as a heart attack, the time of death can be manipulated and the time can go into effect within 40 seconds after writing the name.
- 寫上死因為心臟麻痺之後,若再40秒內繼續寫上死亡時刻,即使是心臟麻痺亦可操縱死亡的時間,該時刻在寫上名字之後的40秒內同樣有效。

- The human who touches the Death Note can recognize the image and voice of its original owner, a god of death, even if the human is not the owner of the note.
- 摸觸到死亡筆記本的人,即使非筆記本所有者,也能察覺前任持有主-死神的姿態及聲音。

呼~~~~才到Part III就規則一大推,真佩服奇樂可以運用這些規則到最高點,也很佩服原作者,能把故事前節中的內容一條條換化成"死亡筆記本遊戲規則"。

How to use it ~~~(IV)

- The person in possession of the DEATH NOTE is possessed by a god of death, its original owner, until they die.
- 擁有死亡筆記本的人到自己死亡為止,前任持有者死神都會跟在身邊。

- If a human uses the note, a god of death usually appears in front of him/her within 39 days after he/she uses the note.
- 死神通常會在人類使用筆記本厚的三十九日之內,現身在使用者面前。

- Gods of death, the original owners of the DEATH NOTE, do not do, in principle, anything which will held or prevent the deaths in the note.
- 死亡筆記本的前任持有者死神,基本上不會提供協助,也不會干擾筆記本的使用。

- A god of death has no obligation to completely explain how to use the note or rules which will apply to the human who owns it.
- 死亡筆記本的使用方法、所有者可能觸犯的問題,死神沒有義務全部說明。

How to use it ~~~(V)
- A god of death can extend his life by putting human names on the note, but humans cannot.
- 死神在死亡筆記本寫上人的姓名,可以藉此延長自己的壽命,但人類不行。

- A person can shorten his or her own life by using the note.
- 一個人可以藉由死亡筆記本縮短自己的壽命。

- The human who become the owner of the DEATH NOTE can, in exchange of half of his/her remaining life, get the eveballs of the god of death which will enable him/her to see a human's name and remaingin lifetime whtn looking through them.
- 死神筆記本的所有者,可以自己所餘壽命的一半換得死神的眼球,用死神的眼球看著人類的臉,就能看到那個人的姓名與壽命。

- A god of death cannot be killed even if stabbed in his heart with a knife or shot in the head with a gun. However, there are ways to kill a god of death, which are not generally known to the gods of death.
- 死神的心臟被刀刺或頭部被槍擊也都不會死,但殺死神的方法是存在呃,雖然死神也不知道該怎麼做。

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